3 Reasons Why You Should Own a Cool Gel Memory Foam Mattress in Singapore

Singapore is situated near the equator and has a tropical climate, with relatively high and uniform temperatures. This will affect our sleep due to hot and humid weather. With cool gel memory foam mattress, it will help us tackle this issue and help us sleep better.


1. Pressure Relief For Back

Like most memory foam mattresses, cooling gel is designed to cradle the body and offer precise pressure point relief. When you sit or lay on the mattress, the gel compresses and forms a smooth, soft surface. This creates a balanced system that provides customised support. You won't sink all the way into the mattress, but you will feel relief around your shoulders, hips, and back. 

2. Better Air Flow for Cool, Comfortable Sleep

Gel memory foam mattresses are infused with small gel beads during the manufacturing process. These beads significantly reduce the surrounding heat, which creates a cool-to-the-touch surface. The cooling properties of the gel beads/liquid that fill these mattresses are supported by their ability to increase airflow. The more air that permeates the sleeping surface that you lie upon, the more comfortable you will be.


Gel Memory foam is very shock absorbent and resistant to motion. This means that the tossing and turning of your partner won’t disturb you as you sleep soundly by his or her side.



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